Winter Property Taxes are due February 14, 2025
Winter Property Taxes are due February 14, 2025
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Broadband Map

State urging communities and residents to challenge the FCC’s broadband map

Because high-speed internet is not available to nearly a half-million homes in Michigan, the state is urging every Michigander to check their home and business address on the preliminary broadband map to ensure it accurately reflects their level of internet access. The Michigan High-Speed Internet Office is also working to challenge the map, but it’s important for everyone across the state to know how to view and challenge the map. Please share the following information and links with your residents and community members. To access the FCC broadband map:

  1. Visit here, then type in an address and see if the reported coverage is accurate. You can access the site from a computer or a mobile device.
  2. Residents can submit a challenge by clicking “Location Challenge” if the location of their home or business is missing or incorrect, or “Availability Challenge” if the internet service information is incorrect.
  3. Residents should visit the website of any internet service provider that claims to serve their location and use the website’s “Check Availability” or similar tool to determine if the provider can serve their location. If they can’t, a screenshot of their website can be submitted to the FCC as evidence for an availability challenge.

Follow the instructions on how to file an availability challenge using the new map. A how-to video is also available.


As spring is approaching, many are asking if they can burn brush. This is actually controlled by the MI DNR. Below is the link to check if you are “allowed” to burn. The color must be green for Muskegon County, if it is you can burn in Whitehall Township. If it is orange for Muskegon County, click on the Muskegon County and it will give you details for our Township and the other municipalities within the County. Please stay safe and follow the requirements from the State. Remember you can NEVER burn trash, leaves, grass clippings, or processed lumber in Whitehall Township.

Senior Resources

Affordable housing is housing deemed affordable to those with a median household income as rated by country, State (province), region or municipality by a recognized Housing Affordability Index.

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